
On-Site Crematory

Our On-Site Crematory

With our on-site crematory, your loved one never leaves our care, and we are able to provide families with the ultimate protection and respect they deserve.


When cremation became a popular choice for the families we serve, one thing we were certain we wanted was an on-site crematory. We believed it would enable us to provide families with the ultimate protection and respect their loved-ones deserved without leaving our care.

With an on-site crematory, we are able to control every aspect of an individual’s final arrangements – from preparing the remains for cremation to ensuring that the cremation chamber is thoroughly cleaned after every cremation, eliminating the risk of co-mingling remains, all under the control of a licensed funeral director.


Never assume that a funeral home offering cremations has an on-site crematory; sometimes the remains are sent to an off-site facility.

Hafemeister Funeral Home
Phone: (920) 261-2218
611 East Main Street, Watertown, WI 53094

© Hafemeister Funeral Home
Crafted with care by Frazer Consultants and TA

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